As adults, we forget how to play. When we grow-up we unintentionally trade in the carefree moments of youth for the responsibilities and demands of adulthood. The pressures of work, bills, and family obligations leaves no room for spontaneous playfulness. Over time, the weight of adult responsibilities overshadows the joy of play. The relentless pace of modern life can also make it challenging to find time for unstructured, spontaneous play. And, if we are really honest… our phones and devices are a big distraction. Yet, as parents we are expected to provide opportunities for laughter, exploration, and unstructured fun through play for our children.
Many studies have concluded that children learn best through play. But, how can parents, who are overwhelmed by adult responsibilities, be good play role models for their children?
Remembering to play as an adult can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help parents prioritize play for their children:
Create a playful environment
Set up a dedicated play space for your child. Storing toys, games, and books in this space will make it easier to initiate play and encourage creativity.
Schedule playtime
Play is important for children. We know this. Therefore, making time to play with your child is equally important. Just as you would schedule work meetings and appointments, allocate specific time for play in your calendar. Treat it as a non-negotiable commitment to prioritize playing with your child. Even a few minutes of play time each day is valuable for your child’s development.
Limit distractions
When you make time to play with your child, turn off screens and put away your phone. This can help you fully engage with your child and send the message that, right now, your child is your only focus.
Mix learning and fun
Many activities can be both educational and enjoyable. Adults enjoy more structured play routines, while children can enjoy unstructured play. Incorporate counting, colors, shapes, or letters into your playtime without making it feel like a lesson. Combining education and play can be magical for creating an enjoyable experience with your child.
Make chores playful
Families engage with each other in daily, routine activities like meals, bath time, getting dressed, or changing diapers every day. Why not make these mundane routines playful? Create a silly song or dance when cleaning up, challenge your child to a race when taking out the trash, enlist your child’s help with vacuuming while you dust, or play “find the apples/cereal/cookies” while grocery shopping. Play doesn’t have to be done sitting on the floor interacting with toys. Daily routines are a great way to engage playfully with your child.
Remember that play is a personal experience, so what's fun for your child may not be as enjoyable for you. The key is to experiment, stay open to new experiences, and get creative with repetitive play. Dig in and find something that genuinely brings joy to you and your child. Yes, you may still find play boring and tedious, but your child is learning and that makes the hard work worth it!